Prayer Requests
Please let us know your prayer requests below in this secure and confidential form. We will add your request to our congregational prayer list immediately.
We are living in uncertain times, but the GOOD NEWS is— we serve a God who is certain and unwavering!
So may we keep our focus on our loving God. The God who created us and the world.
God holds and cares for us and will never leave us!
We currently are meeting online and in person — Worship with us during our sermon time via Facebook or you can catch our weekly sermon posted in our services section.
We are not perfect, but we promise to love you with our imperfections. We know the importance of family (both blood and chosen).
LOVE ALL! Worship ONE!
Pastor Marsha
Our services set out to show each and every attendee that we love all and worship one. We intend to show the unconditional love of Jesus Christ, by creating a culture of loving acceptance for all of God's children regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, physical abilities or economic status.