Weekly Devotional Scripture: 1 Kings 4: 29-30
God’s Wisdom
“God gave Solomon wisdom and very great discernment and breadth of mind, like the sand that is on the seashore. Solomon’s wisdom surpassed the wisdom of all the sons of the east and all the wisdom of Egypt.” – 1 Kings 4:29-30 NASB
As people throughout the world learned more about Solomon, they realized the scope of his wisdom. He had the discernment that surpassed any other person on earth. His mind comprehended a staggering variety of subjects. His wisdom was “like the sand that is on the seashore,” uncountable and without limit.
Yet few people understood how Solomon came to have this wisdom. They might have thought that he had a superior education or outstanding teachers. Perhaps they speculated that his parents were highly intelligent or that Solomon himself had special habits or interests. Although some of those might have been contributing factors, the Bible tells us there is only one reason why he had this wisdom: It was a sovereign gift from God.
Today, many consider Solomon a model for a person with great wisdom, and they aspire to have “the wisdom of Solomon.” Our world admires people with this kind of intelligence—people who have mastered complex subjects or made great discoveries.
While admiring this human wisdom, all accomplishments, gains, and discoveries throughout human history pale in comparison with God’s wisdom. His wisdom is beyond our comprehension. He also knows everything about the future and what will take place today and tomorrow.
The amazing thing is that God wants to give you His wisdom. He can give you wisdom for anything you need, on any subject—science or business, family or finances. Just humble yourself before Him. Seek Him. Cry out for wisdom and understanding. And fill your mind with His Word.
Father, reveal more of Your wisdom to me. Open my mind. Give me discernment and understanding. Help me to serve You with the wisdom You give me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.