God is growing our community! I love watching God work. God is working on us and through us. I am thankful for that. We are now able to improve things like this website. We understand that not everyone can get out and get to a service and we have friends across the ocean who join us--we want to make this opportunity easier and better.
We would so love to have you come be a part of this growth and change. God IS GOOD!
Our church is one that believes strongly in grace. We are all in need of grace and most of us could improve on extending grace to others. Our world is full of negativity and hatred. We do our very best to be a place of refuge and love. We need a place to go to feel safe don't we? I believe Phoenix Christian Church is one of those places. If you don't have a home church, we would love for you to come and visit...I feel safe in saying you will find family, not just a church.
Let's make this year a time of Grace, Giving , Forgiveness and HOPE! Turn on YOUR light--let Jesus shine through you!!!
If you have been hurt by church, or you don't feel you fit in in most churches---I encourage you to come give us a try. We are a very different group of people--and I mean that in a very complimentary, loving way. We are not perfect and we will love you where you are while standing in our own brokenness! We know the importance of family (whether that family consists of blood relatives or not). We ARE family and we love Jesus.
Hebrews 4:16 So let us come boldly to throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most!
Love ALL! Worship ONE!!
Wishing You Many Blessings,
Rev. Marsha